What’s happened to chrome!

Categories: Programming


When Chrome has been rolled out was the faster browser available at that time. I was really excited about that because I like excellence and chrome represented excellence (in detail V8 -the JScript engine- and WebKit -the layout engine-) .

Some months ago I started noticing that my browsing experience with chrome was not the one I had anymore. So today I want to publish/share some data that will prove that. Still remains true that V8 and WebKit are better than IE, Opera and Firefox solutions.

You can find the complete post and more detailed data here: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/chrome-27-firefox-21-opera-next,3534.html. I’ll just sum-up and comment some results.

  1. Start Up time: First delusion here! double click on the chrome icon and in less then one second the browser was up. That not true anymore, indeed Chrome in case of “cold start” (with just one tab) is the latest one with almost 6 seconds 🙁 and guess what ? IE10 is the fastest! Things changes a bit in case of “hot start” (about 3 seconds) but still the slowest browser. Concluding this first point with the “average start up time” chrome is the slowest and Firefox is the fastest.
  2. Page load: this test is divided into two part. The first one where the page load time is calculated with “one page at a time” and here the winner is definitely Chrome (the worst Firefox). But the second one is the most interesting one. Indeed tomshardware calculate the time needed to load 40 tabs of webpages pre-loaded (then hot start). Well guys, here Chrome has still the worst time (about 66 seconds) and the better is Opera Next (next because still under development, and furthermore seems really close to Chrome) with about 25 seconds. I mean 25 secs to read 40 tabs of webpages against 66 secs! Finally, just to mention that IE10 takes about 35 secs (and then half of the time needed by Chrome).
  3. JScript performance: No surprise here, the Chrome lead the run. Chrome load even in case of test with JScript and DOM (Document Object Model). To mention that IE10 is the worst in almost any test.
  4. Memory Efficiency: This is one of the most interesting point. As you can see from the picture below the memory consumption with one tab opened is about 122MB for Chrome against 40MB of IE10! but if you open 40 tabs you’ll have something like 1.5GB on Chrome, 1.2GB on IE10 and less then 800MB on Firefox …. then, now just close 39 tabs and surprise … just have a look at the graph below 🙁  I’ve to say that Opera Next is the browser that get closer to the original quantity of memory.

  1. Reliability and Security: Reliability: No discussion on the great results of Firefox as well as no discussion about the “normal” crashes of IE10. Chrome is far behind to be the better.  Security: This time Chrome seems to be the most secure browser with 16 test passed of 17.
  2. Standard Conformance: means how much a browser is conformance to the standards, HTML5 and CSS3 in this case. IE10 tend to be agnostic to the standards (nooo, why ?) indeed it results the last one in both the test,  Chrome (with Opera Next, as said is Chromium based) instead is the first one in both the test. I wouldn’t comment the JScript tests for obvious reasons 😉

Conclusion: TomsHardware provide two graphs, Performance based index and Not performance Based index. In both the graphs Firefox resulted the first one.

I wouldn’t say that chrome has got bad results but rather that in some areas has to improve (memory management, start up time, reliability), Improving them means leading again the browsers fight. I’m looking forward to see that.


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